The following groups receive discounted travel:
Island Residents – discounted books of 50 tickets are available for residents who live permanently on Islands off the Orkney mainland. Tickets must be used within 365 days of the date of purchase.
Island Residents over the age 65+ or with a disability can apply for a smart card via the Orkney Island Council transport team on 01856 873636
Registered disabled passengers in possession of a blue badge and vehicles being used to carry registered disabled passengers qualify for concessionary rates.
Juniors up to the age of 22 and in possession of a Young Scot card or other government issued ID, students in possession of a valid student card and senior citizens (63+) qualify for discounted passenger fares.
Passengers in possession of a Scottish National Entitlement card with 'Eye' endorsement travel at the same rate as Registered Disabled Passengers.
Infants under the age of 5 travel free of charge.